Archive for the ‘comeback’ Category

Hi again

Hi people,

back again after a long time (as usual :P).. the freakishly busy days do not seem to end. after completing the first project of my life I thought there will be some time to get some fresh air. But already tied up with new responsibilities. still working 10-12 hours a day.

But yes I need to say that I HAVE COMPLETED THE FIRST PROJECT OF MY LIFE VERY SUCCESSFULLY.. the project came up at the threshold of my career.. it gave me the first feeling of completion, a lot of professional experience and a strong root to make a career.

The new project is in a different platform i.e codeignitor. but sadly I did not joined this one from its beginning. hope I will come up with it quickly.

I learned some very interesting things at the end of my old project.. things like web services.. I hope I will be able to write something about it in my next posts.

I’m a ‘twitting’ bird now

Hi all,

I’ve started twitting these days.. on twitter of course.. there is also the same old story.. I created an account for myself almost six months back.. and after that never visited the account for a single day..

One day I was just browsing my facebook account..  When Amit Sir(T.A of our office ) saw me and asked if I had any account on twitter , I said yes, He asked for the url.. And guess what.. I didnt know my account URL :p .. when after that I logged in and He showed me what happens in twitter.. :D .. Thanks to Amit Sir..

I found Twitter was a great way to be socially connected with technical people or technically connected with social people :D ..  A bit confusing .. isn’t it.. ya I like to confuse people..

well now I know my twitter URL, its ..

Hope to see you there on twitter.. twit twit(bye bye) :D

I’m Back

All these days I’ve been so bad to get completely detached with my blog.. if I were be you I would say   –  ” come on.. what the hell is this.. you promised to say about lot of things like php camp and all that.. and now you are gone.. completely invisible..”

ok..ok now stop accusing me..ok?? I had been a bit out of focus for some days.. but now I am back.. and back in a whole lot better way..

now I’m gonna be a real blogger.. and talk about anything…even if it is meaningless..

well now I think that’s enough for my comeback notification..

lets start blogging…..