Hi again

Hi people,

back again after a long time (as usual :P).. the freakishly busy days do not seem to end. after completing the first project of my life I thought there will be some time to get some fresh air. But already tied up with new responsibilities. still working 10-12 hours a day.

But yes I need to say that I HAVE COMPLETED THE FIRST PROJECT OF MY LIFE VERY SUCCESSFULLY.. the project came up at the threshold of my career.. it gave me the first feeling of completion, a lot of professional experience and a strong root to make a career.

The new project is in a different platform i.e codeignitor. but sadly I did not joined this one from its beginning. hope I will come up with it quickly.

I learned some very interesting things at the end of my old project.. things like web services.. I hope I will be able to write something about it in my next posts.

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